+48 882 786 898, +48 886 560 638


A series of workshops for Trade Marketing


TRADE’owisko is a series of workshops during which industry practitioners exchange information and best practices in the area of implementing Trade Marketing campaigns.

We talk about the changing consumers, in-store realities, technology and the environment.


So far, 5 rounds of the workshop have been held, attended by representatives of the largest FMCG companies in Poland.
The workshops are free of charge, take place in Warsaw and last 1 day. As we want an intimate meeting, the number of participants is limited.

If you are interested in participating in Trade’owisko and you represent Marketing or Trade Marketing departments, please leave your email address and we will inform you about the next available workshop.


If you are interested in participating as a partner, you are also welcome to contact us.

Below is a photo gallery of selected workshops.